Component: Heading


Introduce new sections and organize content to help visitors (and search engines) understand the structure of your content.


Coloring panel


The Fora11y coloring panel is still in beta. We advice not to use the ‘main color’, this will be deprecated in a future version. Use the default WordPress ‘color’ panel. Or use the coloring panel in ‘custom colors’ mode.

Set custom colors for the component.

Background color

Set the background color.

Main color


Set the main color. This setting applies ligt or dark colors based on parent elements

Custom colors

When activated a custom text color can be set and more colors are available to choose from.

Color panel


Set a custom text color.


Set a custom background color.

Typography panel


Change the font-size for the component.

  • Small (13px)
  • Medium (20px)
  • Large (36px)
  • Extra large(42px)
  • Custom size (font-size in “px”, “em” or “rem”)

Small font-size (13px)

normal font-size

Medium font-size (20px)

Large font-size (36px)

Extra large font-size (42px)

Custom font-size (3em)

Read the text size documentation for more information and examples.


Change the text font-weight and font-style.

thinfont-style:normal font-weight:100
extra-lightfont-style:normal font-weight:200
lightfont-style:normal font-weight:300
regularfont-style:normal font-weight:400
mediumfont-style:normal font-weight:500
semi-boldfont-style:normal font-weight:600
boldfont-style:normal font-weight:700
extra-boldfont-style:normal font-weight:800
blackfont-style:normal font-weight:900
thin-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:100
extra-light-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:200
light-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:300
regular-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:400
medium-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:500
semi-bold-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:600
bold-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:700
extra-bold-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:800
black-italicfont-style:italic font-weight:900

Appearance “Extra Light”

Appearance “Semi Bold”

Appearance “Black”

Appearance “Medium Italic”

Appearance “Extra Bold Italic”

Read the text appearance documentation for more information and examples.

Letter case

Change text letter case.

  • All letters in caps
  • All letters in lower case
  • All letters in lower case with the first letter in caps

All letters in caps

All letters in lower case

All letters in lower case with the first letter in caps

Read the letter case documentation for more information and examples.

Letter spacing

Change text letter case.

  • All letters in caps
  • All letters in lower case
  • All letters in lower case with the first letter in caps

All letters in caps

All letters in lower case

All letters in lower case with the first letter in caps

Read the letter spacing documentation for more information and examples.

Advanced panel

HTML anchor

Add a custom id-attribute to the component.

Enter a word or two — without spaces — to make a unique web address just for this block, called an “anchor.” Then, you’ll be able to link directly to this section of your page.


An id-attribute must be unique on the entire page and can only contain one item (words can be separated with dashes or underscores).

Scroll to section link

panel-advanced-html-anchorLearn more about anchors:


This can be used to create a scroll-to link. Create a link to “#[html-anchor]”.

Code example
Link example

Scroll to HTML anchor.

Read the html anchor documentation for more information and examples.

Additional CSS class(es)

Add a custom class-attribute to the component.

Separate multiple classes with spaces.

Read the additional css class(es) documentation for more information and examples.


The following options are available in the Gutenberg toolbar.

Text alignment

Using the alignment drop-down from the toolbar, you are able to align the whole paragraph text to the left, make it center-aligned or orient it to the right.

  • Align text left
  • Align text center
  • Align text right

Left aligned text (default).

Center aligned text.

Right aligned text.

Read the text-alignment documentation for more information and examples.


Used quite frequently, Bold formatting has their own buttons on the Toolbar. The shortcuts are CTRL + b (or CMD + b) for bold.


This a paragraph with bold text.

Read the bold text documentation for more information and examples.


Used quite frequently, Italics formatting has their own buttons on the Toolbar. The shortcuts are CTRL + i (or CMD + i) for italics.


This a paragraph with italic text.

Read the italic text documentation for more information and examples.

Use the chain link icon to insert a hyperlink to your highlighted text. Or use the CTRL + k (or Command+k) keyboard shortcut.


This a paragraph with a link.

Read the links documentation for more information and examples.


Using the “Highlight” option allows you to change the color for selected text and its background.


Check the color contrast when creating a highlight!


This a paragraph with highlighted text.

Read the highlight documentation for more information and examples.

Inline code

Use the inline code feature to format code snippets within your text differently. Not only that, but Inline code formatting also prevents the code to be executed instead of displayed.


This a paragraph with inline code.

Read the inline code documentation for more information and examples.

Inline image

The inline image feature allows you to add an image to your paragraph. It has one option: enter the desired pixel width for your image.


This a paragraph with an inline image.

Read the inline image documentation for more information and examples.

Keyboard input

Using the “Keyboard Input” option allows you to add the <kbd> tag to selected text.


This is a paragraph with a keyboard tag.

Read the the keyboard input documentation for more information and examples.


Using the “Strikethrough” option adds a line through your highlighted text.


This is a paragraph with strikethrough text.

Read the strikethrough documentation for more information and examples.


The “Subscript” option allows you to add subscript to your highlighted text.


This is a paragraph with subscript text.

Read the subscript documentation for more information and examples.


The “Superscript” option allows you to add superscript to your highlighted text.


This is a paragraph with superscript text.

Read the superscript documentation for more information and examples.



textfont-size2.25rem (variable)Toolbar – Heading
Typography – Size
textline-height3.375rembased on heading type
textcolorinherit (variable)Fora11y color panel

Default font-size and line-height per heading type

Heading 1 < h1 >3rem3.625rem
Heading 2 < h2 >2.25rem3.375rem
Heading 3 < h3 >1.875rem2.8125rem
Heading 4 < h4 >1.5rem2.25rem
Heading 5 < h5 >1.25rem1.875rem
Heading 6 < h6 >1.125rem1.6875rem

Heading with background

textfont-size2.25rem (variable)Toolbar – Heading
Typography – Size
textline-height3.375rembased on heading type
textcolorinherit (variable)Fora11y color panel – main
Fora11y color panel – text
textbackground(variable)Fora11y color panel – background